

scale and service your portfolio

Aurôra intake gives lenders a platform to service their customers while creating operational efficiencies and providing an improved customer experience.

empower customer self service

manage full customer and asset life cycles

streamline operational efficiencies

aurôra intake makes lenders' lives easier

build a branded digital lending experience that delights captivates engages impresses your customers and employees

schedule a demo today

Aurôra intake gives lenders a platform to service their customers while creating operational efficiencies and providing an improved customer experience.

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customers have quick access to manage payments payoffs contracts buyout requests applications

ease your employee workload

• increase operational efficiencies

• manage full customer and asset lifecycle at a glance

• quickly service customers

• expanded scale and service capabilities

• thoughtfully designed, intuitive user experience powered by Salesforce

• reduce attrition and improve revenue streams

empower your customers

• manage accounts and make payments from anywhere, any device

• easily access and update real-time account, contract, and payment information

• interact with lender via app for servicing needs

• gain insight to in-flight requests, saved records, and documentation

• self-service account alerts for payments and contracts nearing end-of-term

The aurôra product suite helps you create operational efficiencies, streamline workflows, and scale your business.

aurôra loan origination system

automate your process from the start

aurôra partner portal

enable your partners to sell more