Are you exhausted from constantly adapting your systems and operations to new lending regulations? You’re not alone.
Recently, Kansas and Connecticut have implemented new state commercial finance disclosure laws, adding yet another layer of regulatory requirements for lenders. The constant state of flux and the rise of state-specific laws are turning compliance into a complex challenge. With new rules emerging faster than lenders can adapt, it often feels like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole.
At Northteq, we’ve been closely monitoring the shifting landscape of 1071 regulations and state disclosure laws, which directly impact your equipment finance operations. In response, we’ve developed the technology solutions that are ready to tackle these challenges head-on—whenever and wherever they arise. Aurora’s intake portal and LOS platforms are designed with flexibility in mind, ensuring that they can adapt to any changes in the regulatory landscape.
The Challenge of State-Specific Compliance
State-specific lending requirements create a challenging environment for lenders with each state having its own set of laws governing licensing, usury, and consumer protection. While you’re already aware of the complexities and operational burdens staying compliant brings, let’s focus on how you can effectively manage the evolving changes.
- Automate compliance – Automate the tracking and implementation of state-specific regulations, ensuring you stay compliant without the manual headache. Aurora streamlines the tracking and implementation of state-specific regulations and provides real-time updates to keep your operations current, minimizing risks and errors.
- Integrate Reporting –Simplify reporting by connecting with our partner platforms like Wolters Kluwer, making it easier to generate and submit accurate reports to regulatory bodies. The integration helps reduce administrative load, ensuring timely compliance submissions and reducing overhead.
- Data Management –Powered by Salesforce, Aurora’s data management capabilities are supported by secure cloud services to help lenders meet the complex requirements of state privacy laws. Ensure your data handling practices meet the stringent requirements of various state privacy laws, compliant storage and processing of borrower information.
- User-Friendly Interface – A streamlined, intuitive interface ensures that your team can quickly navigate compliance tasks, reducing training time and increasing productivity. Aurora is designed to make complex processes simple and accessible.
Preparing for the impact of 1071
The importance of the 1071 rule, which mandates the collection and reporting of data on small business loans, cannot be overstated. As this regulation looms on the horizon, lenders must prepare for operational shifts now. The data collection, analysis, and reporting requirements under 1071 are set to be as impactful, if not more so, than the recent state-specific disclosure laws. Aurora’s systems are engineered not just to comply with these requirements but to turn this regulatory burden into a strategic advantage.
1071 will redefine the landscape of small business lending. Compliance will require lenders to gather detailed demographic and financial information, including race, ethnicity, and gender of business owners. Aurora offers a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, ensuring that your organization is not just meeting the minimum requirements but is positioned to leverage this data for strategic decision-making and market positioning.
With new state commercial finance disclosure laws and the impending 1071 requirements coming into effect, staying compliant is more challenging than ever. Aurora ensures you’re always up-to-date with the latest regulatory requirements, allowing you to adapt quickly to new regulatory changes.
With Aurora, you can transform regulatory compliance from a burden into a strategic asset. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of 1071 or the intricacies of state-specific disclosure laws, streamlined operations, reduced risk of non-compliance, and enhanced data security all contribute to a stronger, more competitive position in the market.
Navigating state-specific lending regulations and preparing for 1071 requires sophisticated compliance and operational management. Northteq has you covered.
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Ready to see how Northteq can help you simplify 1071 compliance?

- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Ombudsman Annual Report 2023. Retrieved from ConsumerFinance.gov
- Kansas State Commercial Finance Disclosure Laws. Retrieved from Kansas.gov
- Connecticut State Commercial Finance Disclosure Laws. Retrieved from Connecticut.gov
- Mayer Brown LLP. “Kansas Enacts Commercial Finance Disclosure Law.” Mayer Brown (Mayer Brown).
- DLA Piper. “More states set to require commercial financing disclosures.” DLA Piper (Global Law Firm | DLA Piper).
- Sheppard Mullin. “Kansas Introduces New Commercial Financing Disclosure Law.” Consumer Finance and Fintech Blog (Consumer Finance and Fintech Blog).